What are you grateful for?


In this critical period when it seems so rough – the economy is not smiling and there’s some depression hanging almost everywhere – it feels so bad that we’d want to go back to sleep and wake up to the ready-made life. We then place our focus on the negativity that comes with life and forget to appreciate the little things that mean the world to some people. We get so worried  about the heights we couldn’t attain at some point and overlook the fact that some people were not given the grace to even think of that and it seems difficult to feel really grateful for the little thing we have – show a heart of gratitude for the little things we could afford even without paying.

Despite all these, I appreciate these things;

 Life: Scrolling through my Facebook news feed to see the post by a random friend that lost her friend to the cold hands of death. Gosh! This guy was young and cute but alas he’s no more. Only his memory would live on in their hearts. Be grateful for life, no matter how little it may seem. It is a gift. Did you know someone somewhere is struggling to keep theirs? So be thankful for yours!



Daily bread: Some months back, I saw a video of a sales rep who’s always keeping food for her dog right beside the entrance to the grocery store. Then she noticed the plate of food is always empty most times or the plate with the content goes missing. So a footage was done. Lo and behold, a man was always coming to eat the dogs’ food. I couldn’t hold back my tears when I saw the video. Some people find it hard to have a 3 square meal, yet we aren’t mocking them but just being thankful for what we have. Be grateful for the food you have, even if it’s little.

Home: In some parts where they don’t have a comfortable place to rest their heads after the day’s hustle. Some could be found under bridges or on the terrace of a store at the dusk of each day. It’s not their fault that they couldn’t get somewhere to call their home but fate had it that way. So why can’t you be grateful for the fluffy bed or carpet you have to sleep on or even a place to call yours?

Peace of mind: What comes to mind right now are the Internally Displaced People [IDPs] in the Northern part of the country. Some battles have caused some people to lose their peace, they don’t know what it means again to be live peacefully. In some advanced countries where they have to deal with some climate problems – making them run helter-shelter – has also deprived people of their peace. But you’ve got peace of mind which is one of the most important things. Why not show a heart of gratitude?

Friends and family: War has displaced a lot of people, keeping them away from their families and friends. Some lonely or orphans with no one to say some soothing words when they need it, no siblings to cheer them up when they are down the troubles of life, no friends to cheer them up when going through some hard times. Howbeit, not all family or friends are that great but let’s be grateful for their encouragement, constructive criticism, support and unconditional love too.

Health: You might not have the super body you crave for but you’re healthy right? You’re not admitted to hospital or placed on oxygen to survive. You’ve got your two eyes, legs, hands. Do you know someone is admiring for that? There are times when one would get sick, no problem – it will only be for a moment. Be grateful for your health.

Lover: Several people are lonely with nobody to show them love, buy them gifts, hang out with in the cold nights, take a stroll with on a warm evening. Though one can have all these with friends but not exactly with one that gives us butterflies in the belly. So be grateful for letting them feel what it means to truly be loved and for being the one who understands everything you’re going through.

Challenges:  The past weeks have been the toughest moments I’ve had to face in recent times. This was why I wrote the post about worrying but I was able to scale through. These challenges have a way of making one get better and stronger. Be grateful to God for helping you to improve and become better.

No matter the situation, there’s always something to be grateful for. There would be times when it seems like the world is crashing but you aren’t dead yet, you’re still alive. I’ve had this struggle sometimes when I complain about some little things but then when I think of the things I have, no doubt I’ve got no choice but to thank the Giver of Life who made everything work according to its time and season.

Be happy for everything you have – someone made you livid, be grateful for that because you’ve got the sense.  Someone stepped on your feet, be happy because you’ve got one, someone hit your car, be happy because you can afford one. Appreciate every little thing!

What do you feel grateful for even when you might be going through some bad times? I will love to hear from you in the comment!

Much love,


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